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Macbook Air And Pro Tools

I am running Logic Pro X and Pro Tools 12 on a MacbookAir no problems.

Compose, record, edit, and mix high-quality music or sound for picture-on a Mac or PC-using Pro Tools, the industry-standard audio production platform. Design the perfect setup for your needs. Pro Tools offers audio professionals superb quality and efficiency through one intuitive, integrated production environment. This high-definition system embodies the latest Digidesign innovations, incorporating cutting-edge technology to deliver unprecedented sonic fidelity and price/performance. Performance Portable powerhouse. MacBook Pro elevates the notebook to a whole new level of performance and portability. Wherever your ideas take you, you’ll get there faster than ever with high‑performance processors and memory, advanced graphics, blazing‑fast storage, and more — all in a compact 3-pound package.

Pro Tools Free Download Macbook Air

however, mine is the 13' version, i7 processor and 2.2 ghz and 8 gb RAM, so its the highest spec.

And I use an external flash drive.

I did meet a guy recently , he is running Logic Pro on the basic 11' Macbook air, without problems, though he doesnt use many tracks or plugins.


the macbook air is great, very light too.

I Would go for the highest spec you can afford really, bearing in mind the 13' ones offer a bigger processor.

you may suffer with Pro Tools on the basic 11'.

Macbook Air And Pro Tools Repair

Download photoshop cs6 ten software.

Macbook Air And Pro Tools Pro

keep us posted on what you decide to do.

Macbook Air And Pro Tools
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